Ok so this is stuff that me (Michele) had added 'cus im just soooooo special!!! Woohoo!!! Ummmmm...I dont know what to say really so ya...so ya ya...ok...(this is gina talking)well michele had this winter-ey backgroud but i didnt like it(this is still gina talking) so i changed it to a more cool one, no offense, cuz the rest of my pages hav a cooler backgroud than this one had. so michele...sori!! i had to do it(now i{gina} am stopping)
this is a really purdy vase of flowers and theyre really purdy too. i like flowers alot they are really purdy.
Ok so this is my (sorta) page for Ginana's web site. Ya so this is mainly because we are updating it cus were bored and i was bored of copying and pasting stuff. ya. if you dont get it i copied and pasted ALL of those pictures on the animal page. but anyways muffins are tasty. i really want a muffin right now. they are just soooo tasty. i personally like poppy seed and blueberry. sometimes i like apple-cinnamon. did you know that me and ginana have a total vibe like going on here? ya like we are always reading each others minds and stuff and its cool. but you know what type of muffin i really want right now is one of those miniature banana-nut muffins. OMG!!! i was typing miniature and ginana was like miniature banana-nut muffins and i was like omg how did you know!!! see theres the vibe at work. ya.
Ya so today is another day and ya its cool. It is exactly 3:45 pm and im really bored. I know that you people (whoever you are that are reading this) are just thrilled to read such boring stuffiness. Well ill try to think of something interesting to talk about, like umm maybe like bananas!!! i love bananas!!! i mean they arent my favorite to eat, though theyre pretty good, i love to just say banana. i mean i just really like to talk about bananas. they are so funky and cool. everytime i have to say something like ad libbing, or if there is nothing to talk about for example, i say banana. maybe i have like a banana feddish. i think i do i need help!!! ok well thats enough for this whole shishkabob so ill do other things on this page.
