yes it is friendy ppl, its not supposed to be friendly ppl. just 2 let u all no. well this page is deticated to all of my friends and acquaintances(i learned that word from McHairball, u no...wordskills. well not reely, but w/e) and if i 4get to mention u then just tell me and ill put u on so if i happen 2 4get u i apologize in advance. i stil luv u even if ur not on here rite now!!!
well i hav a lot of friends and all of yall r reely speeshall 2 me. i tried listing evry1, but just when i thot i was done, i thought of more ppl. so im not gona try to list them all cuz i dont wana 4get anyone and make them feel bad. so i used to hav a reely long list, but it was kinda corny and i hadnt updated it in like 4ever so i just got rid of it. now im not so sure of what im gona put on here. well until i find out, ill just leave it short. if you have any ideas of what i can do for this page, email me and tell me. incase u dont already no, the email address i want u 2 use is on the "other stuff" page. well i guess ill c yall l8er.
horse of a different color |

go the wizard of oz!! |